The "turbo" NJM2114D dual op amp offers improved
performance over the classic NE5532 in several key areas including slew
rate, bandwidth, offset and noise.
Operating voltage +/-3V to +/-22V (absolute max).
Slew Rate 15V/us typ. (5532 is 9V/us)
Unity Gain Bandwidth 13 MHz typ. (5532 is 10 MHz)
Low Noise Voltage 0.9 uV rms typ.
Low Ein 3.3nV/sqrtHz 1kHz (5532 is 5nV/sqrtHz)
High Output Current 60mA typ. (5532 is 38 mA typ)
Vos 200 uV typ. 3 mV max. (5532 is 500uV typ 4 mV max)
NJM2114D Dual Audio Op Amp, Improved NE5532, DIP, Qty 6
- Brand: Japan Radio Corporation (Nisshinbo)
- Product Code: NJM2114D-6
- Availability: 2-3 Days